Posted in 23:11

23:11 — Chapter 92

Bonus chapters are dedicated to @burham ina~ Hope this will make you feel better~! Uhhhh. I hope.🤔🤔

All the hate which Rico deserves is exploding~ The readers are already planning on beating him up, gosh!


Day 092



Jhing: Really?



Jhing: Are you ghosting on me?

Jhing: Haha! GREAT.

Jhing: FINE.

Jhing: Whatever suits you.



Jhing: If you don’t want to talk to me, then this will be the last message you’ll get from me.

Jhing: Goodnight.



Jhing: You’re a coward.


091 | 093


(๑ò︵ò๑) What'cha looking at?

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